First and foremost – I had the BEST weekend at home. My birthday is on Tuesday (the big 2-8) so I went home to do a little celebrating with my family and friends. I left feeling very loved and blessed. Here are some of my favorite photos taken from the weekend.
Friday night, we had dinner with one of our favorite couples at my favorite restaurant, Zins.

I started Saturday morning with my BFF, Mal at DL (one of our childhood favorites).
I spent the afternoon with my Momma – gotta love mother/daughter time!

We had dinner with my parents, Tim’s parents and my sister and brother-in-law who were celebrating their 12 year anniversary! We went to a new restaurant Cobble Hill – it was delicious! What a fun night!

After dinner we went to my BFF’s show, Legally Blond. She was FABULOUS! #ohmygodyouguys One of the best parts about Theatre Cedar Rapids is the sippy cups – fill your cup up with any beverage you want. Now, that’s the way to enjoy a show!
Matt, Mindy, Tim and I all trying to cram into a photo – it didn’t work very well…

After the show we all met up at White Star Ale House for a couple of cocktails. It was so fun catching up and celebrating Mal’s performance and my birthday.
What a wonderful weekend! You can guess that when I got back from all this fun today, the last thing I wanted to do was run 4 miles… especially when it started to snow… heavily… But, that fabulous husband of mine – he got my butt in gear and we braved the weather and went to the gym.
I felt great after the run – which just comes to show how important it is to push yourself, even on the crummiest of days.
We’re now onto week 2! Here are a couple of things I learned this week:
Don’t eat a scoop 2 scoops of ice cream right before a run… it’s not great.
Pack kleenex – I don’t know why but I always feel the need to blow my nose when I run, and I never have a kleenex close.
Chapstick. It’s important to carry chapstick – my lips always become chapped about half way through.
Here’s my schedule for this upcoming week.
Half Marathon Training: Week 2 (same as week 1)
Monday: stretch and strengthen
Tuesday: 3 mile run
Wednesday: 2 mile run or cross train
Thursday: 3 mile run + strength
Friday: Rest (YAY!)
Saturday: 30 minute cross train
Sunday: 4 mile run
I’m working on updating my running playlist. Do you have any suggestions on songs I should add? If so, let me know.
Have a splendid week!