We’re on to week 5 folks.
I’m not gonna lie – this last week has been hard. I feel like I’ve been coming off vacation detox and it’s been tough. Was vacation and all the fun worth it? YES.

I’m happy to say that I conquered my 5 mile run today. It might sound lame – but that’s the furthest I’ve ever run and it went pretty well. We ran against the wind for most of the run (yeah – that sucks) but with encouragement from my handsome husband, we made it through.
What gets me through some of the hard runs? My playlist. Music keeps me going. I’m looking for some new songs. Do you have any recommendations? Here’s what I currently listen to…

Here’s this weeks schedule.
Half Marathon Training: Week 5
Monday: stretch and strengthen
Tuesday: 4 mile run
Wednesday: 2 mile run or cross train
Thursday: 4 mile run + strength
Friday: Rest (YAY!)
Saturday: 40 minute cross train
Sunday: 6 mile run

Are you currently training for something? How are you doing?