So I got a great article from my friend Mackenzie today. It’s from the website, “Psychology Today” and the article was written by Dr. Mark Goulston. It’s got a lot of great ideas on what makes happy couples happy. It feels good to look at the list and know that Tim and I already do most of these. Get the full article here.
If you’re looking for ways to improve your relationship – try doing some of these.
Go to bed at the same time
Cultivate common interests
Walk hand in hand or side by side
Make trust and forgiveness your default mode
Focus more on what your partner does right than what he or she does wrong
Hug each other as soon as you see each other after work
Say “I love you” and “Have a good day” every morning
Say “Good night” every night, regardless of how you feel
Do a “weather” check during the day Call your partner at home or at work to see how his or her day is going. This is a great way to adjust expectations so that you’re more in sync when you connect after work.
Be proud to be seen with your partner