How is it already Friday? This week has completely flown by. I’m heading into a busy (but FUN) weekend. I hope you take some time and celebrate the amazing mother’s you have in your life. I can’t wait to see mine this weekend! Cheers ya’ll!
1. Porterhouse on Ellen! I mentioned Porterhouse on a Top 5 a couple of weeks ago. He is Drake’s official living mascot, but more than an adorable bulldog, he is a therapy dog and advocate against puppy mills. He has a wonderful message and Drake students are working extra hard to get him on the Ellen show. If you agree, you can tweet @DUPorterhouse #PorterhouseOnEllen.
Gosh, I just love him!

2. 29 Dates to Go On with Your Best Friend. This is a great article that gives you a ton of fun date ideas to do with your BFF’s. So go grab your best pal, and make some memories!

Here are a couple on my personal to-do list:
Stay up all night when it’s nice out and drink wine under the stars, talking about all the things you’re usually too embarrassed or afraid to admit.
Treat yourselves to a nice dinner out at a fancy place when one of you gets a Groupon for it. Order dishes made for two and laugh when the waiter and other diners look at you bizarrely.
Take a road trip on the weekend to a place in your area you’ve never been before. Find a place to couch surf, or sleep outdoors if the weather is nice. Bring a cooler full of snacks and drinks to share with people you meet along the way.
Make delicious snacks such as chocolate-dipped pretzels and white cheddar popcorn, then sneak them into the movie theater with you to go watch a kid’s movie. Also consider a Powerade bottle full of rosé wine.
3. House Hunting. Tim and I are in the beginning stages of figuring out where we are going to live next. Our lease is out in September so we’re on the hunt. We’re not sure if we want to continue renting or (gasp) buy. Whatever we do, we’re going to take our time. So, this leaves me dreaming and looking for the “perfect” home. If I could have everything on my wish list, what would it be? What do you look for in a home? Anything on the top of your list that you can’t live without?

Things on our list:
Double bathroom sinks (we just can’t go back!)
Open kitchen with room to cook and nice appliances
Close to trails
Extra storage space (big closets)
Nice landscape – trees are a bonus
4. Is it summer yet? I can’t wait to bust out flowy skirts and the color white.

5. Say Yes. I’ve had great experiences, met a lot of amazing people and been on a couple of great adventures – simply by saying yes. I dare you to do it a little more and see what happens.