Another wonderful year spent with my love. I’m not going to lie, our anniversary completely crept up on both of us this year. How is it already June 5? Have we really been married for 3 years already? It seems just like yesterday we were saying our I Do’s.
We’ve done so many new, exciting things this year. Outside the normal daily in’s and out’s, we’ve checked a bunch of things off our bucket list.
Together, this year, we’ve:
Soaked up our nation’s history in Washington DC
Took 12 grad school courses (learning is fun…)
Traveled miles and miles to celebrate 5 weddings of great friends
Got barefoot in Okaboji with friends
Went as Jim Halpert and 80’s Prom Chick for Halloween
Sipped on dozens (and dozens) of delicious martini’s
Weathered a crazy blizzard to make snow angels (and other snow fun)
Tried skiing, and helped Liz conquer the bunny hill
Got rowdy with some awesome people in Charleston, SC
Slipped away to Florida for the weekend
Took in the Theatre (#ohmygodyouguys)
Discovered that Catalina is more than just your epic wine mixer
Helped each other turn another year older (30’s creeping up folks!)
Ran over 60 miles together in preparation for June’s 20K
Started the process of building our own home!!!
Wow. If next year is half as good as this one, we will be extremely blessed. Cheers to you babe! Thank you for being the most amazing husband. I love you!
*What’s your favorite way to celebrate an anniversary? We’re celebrating on Friday and looking for some fun ideas.