I’m back. It’s been a crazy, busy month full of exciting things. I was so busy around Thanksgiving that I didn’t take a lot of time to really sit down and think about all of the amazing blessings we’ve had this past year, especially the last couple of months. So I thought I’d take a minute and reflect.

I’m grateful for our new home. The building process was fairly seamless and we ended up with an amazing place to hang our hat everyday.
I’m grateful for new babies coming into the world and those who still have yet to grace us with their presence.
I’m grateful for another successful semester of grad school being done. (One more to go!!)
I’m grateful for my husband and our marriage.
I’m grateful for Water Street. It was the perfect home for the past two years, the longest place we’ve ever lived. We’ll always look back and love living there.
I’m grateful for our loving and supportive parents who’ve helped us with countless moves and continue to be our biggest cheerleaders.
I’m grateful for wine and martini’s.
I’m grateful for my friendships. Those that have lasted over a decade, those that are just beginning and all of the important ones in between, I don’t know how I got so lucky to have the circle I have.
I’m grateful for Skype, Facetime, Snapchat, i-phone, and any gadget that makes it easy for me to tell those important to me “Hey – I’m thinking of you”.
I’m grateful for an amazing place to work everyday, for a job I love and a great group of people.
I’m grateful that a day does not go by where Tim doesn’t make me laugh, at least once.
I’m grateful for all the amazing places we’ve traveled to this past year and the travel destinations we have coming up. The world is meant to be seen and I’m so thankful we can see it little by little.
I’m grateful for our Des Moines family and putting down roots.
I’m grateful for my blog readers, even if it’s a small handful. You are awesome and I appreciate you reading!
(Now you go….what are you thankful for this year?)