Welcome back me.
I’ve been pretty inconsistent lately with my blog and I hope to get back at it now that we’ve hit the new year. I thought I would get back in the swing of things with a “currently” post.
I hope you have a great start to your week! Happy Monday!

1. listening: to my Alex and Sierra, the winners from this past year’s X Factor. I just stumbled across this darling couple and I am completely obsessed. Not only are they cool people, they have an amazing sound. Some of my favorites include their remake of Give Me Love, Gravity, Little Talks and Say Something. (If you love them, you can buy their songs on i-tunes) Gush!
2. eating: one of our favorites, Chicken Parm. We enjoyed this light dish for dinner tonight – magnifico!
3. drinking: H2O.
4. wearing: my favorite Drake sweatshirt and black running pants. It’s freaking COLD tonight. What is this -39 degrees and windy. I feel like our house is going to blow down!
5. feeling: accomplished. Tim and I had a very productive little Sunday; made it to Home Depot for new blinds, hung picture frames, made it to the gym and grocery store, caught up on personal correspondence, did laundry, tidied up the house and even packed my lunch for tomorrow. Phew! Bring it on Monday!
6. weather: see #4. ugh. over it.
7: wanting: some sunshine and warmer temperatures. Counting down the days until we are on the Big Island of Hawaii – countdown 13 days!
8: needing: a couple more hours in the day. I’ve been away from work for two weeks and I know tomorrow is going to be insane. Wish me luck getting caught up!
9. thinking: how excited I am for 2014! This past year was absolutely amazing – filled with new blessings and special moments, I can’t wait to see what 2014 has in store.
10. enjoying: our new home. It’s been fun getting everything unpacked and settled. I promise to post pictures soon!
So that’s me. What have you been up to?