I can’t believe how big you’re getting. How are you already 6 weeks old today?? A part of me is so happy to see you grow and the other part wants to stop time and make you stay small forever. I don’t think that feeling will ever go away! Your fifth week was a busy one. We celebrated my first Mother’s Day, you visited daddy at work and you got your first cold.

We celebrated Mother’s Day by going to the Farmer’s Market on Saturday morning. We got our favorite breakfast burrito and you bought me some beautiful flowers. We went for a long walk around Gray’s Lake and you made it most of the way. You only started crying towards the end and dad ran you back to the car screaming. It was fun hearing everyone’s comments while I ran behind him. There was a lot of “Uh oh, someone is in trouble.” We are quickly getting more comfortable with taking you out and about, feeding and changing you in the car before we head to our next destination.

You are developing great. You’ve discovered your hands and just love to put them in your mouth. With that comes a lot more slobber (smile). You’re starting to “talk” a lot more. A lot of coos and ahh’s. While giving you a bath this weekend I said, “Hi” and you said, “Hiaaa” – for a second we thought we had a child genius but we know it was an pretty cool coincidence. It’s been fun to hear all your new sounds. You love story time each day – some favorites from this week are “Alexander and the Horrible, Terrible, No Good, Very Bad Day” and “Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs.”

You’re starting to make eye contact with us. You’re able to follow our movement half the time which is great. You’re starting to move a lot more. Lots of kicking and arm flailing. Your neck is also getting stronger. You don’t hate tummy time which is good. You’re really great at keeping your head up while lying on my chest. You’re always looking at something and do a great job at staying alert.

On Friday, we traveled to Iowa State and visited daddy at work. You were a hit. Everyone loved meeting you. We went for a nice walk around the beautiful campus, said hello to Uncle Joe and grabbed lunch.

We’ve discovered that if one of us gets a sick, we will all get a sick. Dad came home with a cold last week and it’s traveled to you and me. You took your first sick trip to the Pediatrician and we survived. You love Dr. Gavin – she’s wonderful. She said you looked good all things considered. We’re doing the right thing at home with Saline drops and the “snot sucker”. I’m glad we can get your first cold over with quickly – you’re already starting to feel better.

I hate that you’re sick, but I’m loving the extra snuggle time.

While at the doctor, we go proof of how fast you’re growing. You’ve already grown two inches since you were born and you’ve gained 3 pounds. You are now 23.5 inches long and you weigh 12.4 lbs. You are just like your mom – growing like a weed!

We love you so much!! Can’t wait to see what we discover in the next week.