Yep, that’s right. I said Brat Salad.
This salad is awesome.
If you’re a fan of brats, then you’ve got to spice up your next brat with a delicious salad. Pairing brats with a loaded salad adds some healthy to a normally unhealthy dish.

Perfect for your next summer meal. Enjoy!
Beer Brat Salad
Romaine Lettuce
Green Pepper
Red Pepper
Light Tomato Basil Feta
Dried Cranberries
Juice from 1/2 Lemon
Pinch of salt
2-4 Tbsp. Light Olive Oil
Beer Brats (or your favorite flavor of brats)

Heat grill and cook brats. Once cooked, cut into small bite-size pieces.
Cut up lettuce, green and red pepper, cucumbers and carrots. Layer in salad bowl. Top with feta, cranberries and croutons. Set aside until brats are cooked.
For the dressing, squeeze in juice from half a lemon, 2-4 Tbsp. of olive oil and a pinch of salt. Stir until well incorporated.
Finish you salad with brat pieces and dressing.