Happy Friday! Have a great one. Do something fun. Drink some wine!
Here’s this week’s Top 5.
1. Belle Bash. My dear friends Emily and Melody just started their own business called Belle Bash. Their product is called Wine Belles Uncorked and it’s all about discovering what kinds of wine you enjoy drinking while forming lasting friendships. It’s about discovering flavors with friends. It’s about socializing as much as tasting. It’s about laughing as much as learning.
I was blessed enough to join their wine group while I lived in Columbia and I made so many wonderful friendships. Not only did I make lasting friendships, I sparked my love for wine. (I even started my own group once I moved to DSM) The Wine Belles Uncorked kit by Belle Bash LLC empowers you to start your own monthly wine group. Instructions detail the steps to form the group and host a wine tasting, making it simple to have a successful wine group.
Before they can officially get started, they need support with their Kickstarter campaign. Funds from Kickstarter will help with the minimum investment to provide the quality paper products for 100 Wine Belles Uncorked kits for Belle Bash LLC. They have until Thursday, August 7 to reach their goal. If you’d like to support this great project, please click here. Once they reach their goal, you’ll be able to purchase your own Wine Belles Uncorked kit to start your own wine group in your area.

2. What your favorite wine says about you. Check out this great article to learn about what your favorite wine says about you. If you’re not sure what kind of wine you are, take this quiz first.

3. Basic Wine Guide. Wine Folly have created a ingenious infographic that will help you ID each wine, serve the correct portion in the proper glass, and pair with your favorite dishes to truly bring out the flavors. It’s like CliffsNotes for lushes. Check it out here.

4. Berry Wine Spritzer. This yummy recipe looks so easy! Just a bottle of pinot grigio, 1 liter sprite zero, 3 oz. grand marnier and raspberries and blueberries. Check out the full recipe at Vanilla Extract.

5. Wine. Eat. Art. Combine all three!