2.5 Years.
36 credits.
1 capstone project.

50+ papers.

720+ hours in the classroom.
1 Graduate Degree
Tim and I graduated grad school! We are so, so thrilled to be done. It was so special to share this milestone with my one and only. Here’s a look back on our celebratory weekend!
Saturday before graduation, we had a little BBQ at our home to celebrate with family and close friends. It was the first time we had a huge group of people over in the new house and it was such a blast!

Made these ribs and this macaroni and corn casserole.

I couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate than with these people right here.

Graduation came on Sunday. Lots of pop and circumstance.

I’m excited to move on to another chapter and thankful for the friendships I’ve made along the way. I can’t wait to see what’s next with all this FREE time!!