Happy Happy Happy Friday!
Have a fantastic weekend! Do something fun.
Here’s this week’s Top 5.
1. A very special birthday. My best friend Mal turns the big 2-9 today. When we were in high school we used to make posters for our birthdays and hang them up all over school. I thought I’d re-create this fun tradition for Mal since she has a summer birthday and could never partake in the fun.
Mallory Moh I wish you a very special year ahead (hopefully, the best one yet!) May your 29th year be filled with trips, creative growth, cocktails, special moments with friends, roots in your home, laughter and SO MUCH LOVE! Cheers to you my lovely!

2. Obsessed! with everything. hair. shoes. jeans. top. accessories.

3. Everyday curls. Lauren teaches us how to get great hair like her. Check out her tutorial here.

4. Are you planning a wedding? Check out the Glitter Guide’s top 10 wedding pinterest accounts. So much fun inspiration.

5. Great advice. What would happen if we all tried to do more of this?