How are you one already? It's like I blinked and we're here - celebrating this enormous milestone.
One year ago tonight, I was on my way to the hospital for the second time. Labor was growing and I was WISHING for a few more centimeters. It was a long night going back and forth from the hospital, laboring at home and finally getting admitted around 4:30 a.m. After finally getting an epidural (just in the nick of time if you ask me), a quick nap and 15 minutes of pushing, you were here at 11:31 a.m.
Beautiful. 6 lb. 13 oz. Hairy. Sweet. Perfect. You.

You made us a party of four and your dad and I feel am so thankful for you. This past year has been full of so many incredible moments. Sometimes it's been hard as we've tried to juggle it all - 2 kids is no joke - but every night I go to bed feeling so incredibly blessed.
Little baby snuggles. First night at home. All day mommy/daughter time. Watching you sleep. Poopy diapers. Learning to eat. Grandparent love. Momma's first glass of wine. First bath. Baby yawns. Brother kisses. Bows. Lullabies. Little but fierce. Big Brother. So. Many. Visitors. Baby mohwalk. Learning to smile. Milk allergy. Bewitching hour. Koala hold.
First Norwalk football game. First pumpkin patch. Smiles. Coos. Starting to sleep at night. A real hate for car seat. Second trip to pumpkin patch. Third trip to a different pumpkin patch. First corn maze. Morning smiles. A hate for bottles. End of Maternity leave. First day in Red room. Learned to take a bottle. First family portraits. The way you look at your brother. First Halloween. Friendsgiving. Festival of Trees & Lights. First Thanksgiving.

First trip to ER. Croup. Laughing. Sitting up with assistance. #Babymohawk. Roadtrip to Minnesota. Reindeer games. Auntie snuggles. Mini Drake reunion. Morning kisses from Theo. Belly Laughs. Morning snuggles. First Christmas Eve. First Christmas.
First airplane (you rocked it). Love being held. Sweet girl. Love hands and chewing fingers. First trip to the beach. First family trip to Florida. Second bout of croup. Half birthday. Happy to start day. Close to rolling over. Activity gyms. High chair. baby food. Hair grabber. Brother his hilarious. First Valentine's Day.

Rolling over. New foods. Paper lover. Teething. 4th ear infection. Brother is the best. Sleep training. Friends. Content. Happy. Baby lunch dates. Stroller walks. Chilly park visits. Baptism. First National Siblings Day. Adventures with Nese and Papa. Weekends at home. First Easter egg hunt. Mobile. Curious. Happy squeals. 2 bottom teeth. Veggie lover. Small interest in crawling. FOMO. Love your grandparents. Outside is your favorite. Vanilla puffs. Happy.
First Drake Relays. Streetpainting. Alumni Tent Party. Scoot. Races. Joy. Standing. Memorial Day. Tubes. Beginning of summer. Hate Water play. Ear Infection. Mobile. Finger Foods. Waving Hello. Growth Spurts. Refuse to crawl. Gorilla Army Crawl. First Mother's Day. Prefer to walk with assistance. Biggest smiles for mom, dad, and brother. Quick hands. Paper lover. Dadadadadadada talk. Love outside. First Father's Day. Downtown Farmer's Market. First pool dip. First sibling squabbles.

Found your voice. Fire in your belly. Love to feed yourself. Walk everywhere with help. Climb stairs with help. Love being held. Enjoy an early bedtime. Transitioned to formula. 5 incoming teeth. LOVE baby shark. Clapping hands. First 4th of July. Curious. Into everything. First fireworks. First ballgame. First pigtails. First step.

We love you so much Madeleine. I can't wait to see what the next year brings. Keep growing. Keep being the most amazing you.
To the moon,