Happy Mother's Day to all the momma's and caretakers out there. A special shout out to my momma friends who are incredible and who I'm so thankful to walk this motherhood journey alongside - you are AMAZING and I'm thankful for you. To the women who are yearning to be a mother and are in a season of waiting - I'm thinking of you and sending you love. I know Mother's Day can be hard.
I especially want to wish my amazing mom a Happy Mother's Day. You are so important to me. The love and support you have always shown me, is something I do not take for granted. You are strong, loving, supportive, creative and dependable. You work so hard, and give so much of yourself to others, you've set a great example on how to juggle it all and do it gracefully. You are the BEST Kiki to Theodore and Madeleine. The relationship you continue to build with them is something I love to watch. Thank you, thank you, thank you. For being you and setting the bar so high. I love you.

Celebrating Mother's Day on the 8th week of Quarantine during a global pandemic is a little weird. Normally I would schedule a pedicure with my girlfriend Amy and spend a little "me" time away from my family. I'd wander the aisles of Target for two hours and stop and get myself a cookie I don't have to share. Everything looks different this year. Birthdays, anniversaries, celebrations, etc. But Mother's Day isn't cancelled. Love isn't cancelled. You just have to appreciate the day in different ways. This year I'm leaning in to the extra time with family and appreciating how blessed I am to be given the best gift in the world.